LOOP is an interactive work created by
Olivier Girouard,
Jonathan Villeneuve and
ottoblix, that plays short flipbook style movies inspired by Québec literature translated into German. LOOP takes the old-school, 19
th century technologies of the zoetrope, music box and handcar, and fuses them into a retro-futuristic motion picture machine. The artwork consists of twelve giant cylinders in which audience members are invited to discover how their own movements turn a series of still images into an animation enlightened by its real time generative soundtrack. The images, tinted by a strobe, are reminiscent of the earliest movies. The speed of the experience is all determined by how fast you move the bar.
- The creators -
Concept and execution: Olivier Girouard and Jonathan Villeneuve
Illustrators : Gérard DuBois, Marianne Ferrer, Estelle Frenette-Vaillières, Éléonore Goldberg, Jacques Goldstyn, Pinabel, Camille Pomelo, Mathieu Potvin, Todd Stewart, Amélie Tourangeau, Marie-Hélène Turcotte, Urban9
Design of animations and video projections : Mélanie Boudreau Blanchard, Trina Daniel, Galilé Marion-Gauvin, Daria Pelsher, Mathieu Tremblay (Ottoblix)
Industrial design: Sébastien Dallaire (generique design)
Electronic design and programming: Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
Technical support: Adsum Lab
Mechanical consultant: Jérôme D. Roy (Terrafirma)
Audio programming: Dominic Thibault
Sound: Olivier Girouard
Engineers: Concept paradesign
Production: Quartier des Spectacles Partnership (Montréal, Canada) and Ekumen
Pierre Fournier Workshop
The Papineau machining workshops inc.
PSL Custom Metal Boxes inc.
Canevas Design inc.
C.B.R. Laser inc.
Cintub Ltd.
FTR Design
Line Breton, CPA, CA
Place Dickson
R.H. Peinture inc.
Rapido Metal
Skull Transport inc.
SoftBox Integration
Thermoform L.R. inc.
Usinage Eurotech (2000) inc.
Usinatek Mr inc.
Version Image Plus inc.
SODEC would like to thank: Sarah Spring, José Dubeau, Camille Legault-Moffett, Magali Lauverjat, Élaine Dumont, Morgane Marvier, Jozef Fleury-Berthiaume, NODE, Marie-Michèle Cyr, L'antenne québécoise à Berlin (Nicole Koufou and Friederike Schroeter ), Creos, Claudia Marcoux, Roxanne Dumas-Noël, Chloé Lafrenière, the MCC, ANEL, Brigitte Asselin, Sébastien Lefebvre and Katharina Meissner
Ekumen would like to thank its assembly team: Danny, Julien, Jonathan, Sophie, Baoshi, Mariko, Maria, Jeff, Layla, Victor
And all these people without whom the project would not have seen the light of day: Alexis, Robert, the 180g, Dominic, Ève, Paul, Carl, Marie-Christine, Egest, Danielle, Marion, Stefan, Fabio, Nolin, Jean-Luc , Olivier, Yannick, Rebecca, Jakob, Pavitra, Fanny, Oliver, Trina, Mélanie, Mathieu, the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership team, the SODEC team and the Quebec delegation team - Berlin Antenna.